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Self-published titles

Living Narratives has provided book design and print management for these self-published authors. The books are available to purchase by contacting the author.

The cover of the book, 'Faith After Forty' by Simon Greening

Faith After Forty

by Simon Greening
Published 2023, 130 pages, 5″ x 8″

“This book is about integrating life and faith and the journey that I am on as I attempt to do just that. I think about life and death and everything in between. ‘Everything in between’ includes relationships, money, career, parenting, renovating and all the other things in between.

But I also believe that I am a spiritual being. I believe that I am made up of body, spirit, and soul. I want to develop a deeper spiritual life in my context: as a lawyer, a husband, a parent, a mortgage holder, a son, a friend, a colleague, a business owner – how does faith translate into each context?”

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Everything Begins With E

by Erica Hilton
Published 2022, 349 pages

This is Erica’s diary of a 100-day journey to break an addiction. Written openly and honestly, Erica shares her deeply spiritual and introspective understanding of her present and future self, and what is possible when you commit to being distraction-free.

Contact Erica to purchase

The Monster Inside of Me

by Emma Mackie
Published 2021, 61 pages

A heart on the sleeve, no holds barred, honest account about a struggle and fight for physical survival while battling an internal enemy—anorexia. A book that’s not for the faint-hearted, but a glimpse into the reality of an anorexic mind. Through sharing her own experience, Emma aims to provide a toolkit to enable others to fight their internal food enemies—or those of a friend, a sibling, a parent or even a stranger.

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